An important aspect of building your online reputation is to keep track of what is already been said!
Here are few tools designed to assist you in keeping track of important happenings around your business so that you can handle small problems before they grow out of control, identify opportunities to get involved, and locate people whom you want to engage.


Tools you can use to keep track of your online reputation

Setting up alerts is the best way to keep track of every mention of your name, business, brand, domain, employees, on the internet. In other words, you want to receive alerts before any problems blow out of controls and enter the search engine result pages.
And there are plenty of tools that can assist you in monitoring your online reputation, but if you’re just a small business owner or an individual, here are the most complete as well as user-friendly tools we have found for you.


Top 10 Tools YOU Can Use to Monitor Your Reputation Online


Feed Reader –


1. Feed Reader –

It’ WISE to  set up a feed reader to assist you in viewing custom feeds that you will be monitoring for your specific set of keyword phrases. The reader can be something as simple as a gadget on your iGoogle page or a feed service like Google reader.


Google Alerts –


2. Google Alerts –

Next, set up a free account with Google Alerts to keep track of your web results, blogs, video, news, and groups. Either use a feed or subscribe via email.


Yahoo Alerts –

3. Yahoo Alerts –

Sign up for Yahoo Alerts (free) to keep track of stocks, news by keyword, local news and feeds, and must more. You can get notifications either via email or through Yahoo Messenger, or through mobile.



Twitter Search –

4. Twitter Search –

This tool makes it extremely simple to search Twitter for any particular keyword phrase. Plus, the advanced search options lets you search by dates, location, links, sentiment, and by person, and more.


Technorati –


5. Technorati –

You can also search Technorati to find if someone mentions anything related with your business, blog, or any other specific keywords across wide variety of blogs. Simply subscribe to their search results feed and get instant notification of new mentions.


BackType –


6. BackType –

It is probably one of the best comment solutions available on the internet because with it, you can find comments that mention a keyword, claim your comments on blogs, and view conversations through a post or article and subscribe to them.


Social Mention –


7. Social Mention –

Like Google Alerts, Social Mention is very powerful and the results are particularly customized for social media. As Google Alerts often seems to be buggy, Social Mention, on the other hand, can immediately catch conversations pertaining to a particular keyword.
Simply subscribe to their feed, and get email notifications or you may download the report on the Excel file too.

BoardReader –

8. BoardReader –

With this tool, you can easily track conversations across various message boards and forums. You can even filter out results by a particular domain, or by date, or even by relevance.




9. Q&A Tracking –

If anyone is talking about you, or asking questions about your company, or a particular keyword, you can easily sign up at Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers and then keep track of those conversations.
Plus, perform an advanced search for any particular keyword in your niche and don’t forget to subscribe to the RSS feed that is at the bottom of the page so that you can keep track of future mentions.


Trackur –


10. Trackur –

Finally, Trackur grabs all those keywords mentions from wide variety of sources, not only from Google Alerts. The biggest usually comes from the ability to tag, share, save, and subscribe to particular feeds.
It only cost less than $20 a month and an ultimate online reputation monitoring tool for small businesses.



“Gossip” spreads everywhere and so quickly that it is impossible to keep track of what people are saying about you and your brand.
An irritated former employee may want to get revenge by talking negative things about your business, or your ex-girlfriend who’s bitter over the break-up, one day decides to smear your reputation.
But don’t freak out as here’s good news!
You can fix your damaged online reputation, although it’ll be a tough, but doable.


Follow these 5 simple steps to recover your damaged online reputation:


Perform an online routine search

1. Perform an online routine search –

Remember the old saying, “First impression is the last impression?” People often visit your site/blog or Google your brand to know more about you, and you don’t want them to see any negative comments, reviews, and posts about you, would you?
Well, of course, you would not!
That is why, it’s crucial to perform a routine check of your name, brand name, all product names, and anything related with your brand.
Visit each page; follow up with any comments or reviews; remove negative comments; respond them by shedding positive light on them. Remember to promote yourself as caring, respectful, and professional people.


Start Business Blogging

2. Start Business Blogging –

It’s unwise to always leave outside bloggers and media to cover your business events, product reviews, press releases, and brand ideas for you.
You will not have 100% control over what they say about your brand. Their reviews and comments could be either making or breaking your business.
Why not start a business blog yourself?
It could be an ideal place where you can add positive information about your business more often, update content easily, and bury past negative comments quickly before Google search engine robot index them, and recover back from damaged online reputation.

Setup profiles at social media sites


3. Setup profiles at social media sites –

Set up new profiles on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other popular social networking sites.
Join groups and start posting helpful content related with your niche/industry to set yourself as an industry “expert.” In addition, address any questions, concerns, and comments about your products and services.
Social networking sites are an ideal place to engage and interact with your targeted audience, and build up a strong online presence.


Post MORE positive content

4. Post MORE positive content –

To help bury your damaged online reputation, you need to add MORE positive things about your business and fast. Online reputation management is all about managing how other people look at your business.
And the best way to do that is to add positive, helpful, and unique content about your business using variety of media channels such as press release sites, guest post on other blogs, article directories, YouTube, etc.
Make sure your content is highly relevant and genuine to your target audience.


Encourage customer reviews


5. Encourage customer reviews

If you have a GREAT product or service (we’re sure you do), then why don’t you encourage more customer reviews?
Most of your customers will be more than happy to leave a positive review about your brand. For those who won’t, you can address them personally to think otherwise.
Depending on your niche, try to list your business on Foursquare, Yelp, Zagat, and more recent services like Raved. Focus on building a business you’ll be proud of, and your reputation will likely grow.


Damaged online reputation: Develop the business you envision!

Developing a STRONG and LASTING online reputation of your business may take some time, and you need to constantly nurture it from the ground up so that it doesn’t crash down easily.
If your online reputation is damaged and think that your situation is unpromising, do not give up. Instead, contact companies like
Even if it’s a worst case scenario, they can HELP!
CONTACT US to help you recover from damaged online reputation, NOW!



Personal brand is similar to your “reputation” and indicates how others perceive you – i.e. they want to know who are you, what you offer, whether you are trustworthy, an expert, or a genius?
If you’ve been active on your business for a while, then you probably have already developed some sort of personal brand for yourself, without even realizing it, especially when people already know your name, what you offer, and stand for.
But if your personal brand is WEAK or UNORGANIZED, you need to take proper steps to truly stand out from the crowd.
You will need to make it STRONGER, UNIQUE, and MEMORABLE in people’s mind.


Brand Yourself

Just think about Coca cola, Apple, Dell, Microsoft, and Facebook for example. They have a formidable brand, don’t they?
Don’t get overwhelmed. I am not asking you to compete with these guys, but if you consider your personal brand is not very popular, this guide will give you tools and key components of a SUCCESSFUL and STRONG brand.


5 Simple Ways to Build a STRONG & FORMIDABLE Brand:


Consider Brand as an Investment


1. Consider Brand as an Investment

Your personal brand will help to add value to each new project you create. It has the potential to last longer than your own lifespan. It’s that important!
To sustain your business for a longer period, and hopefully grow exponentially, whether you are in an art business, or selling homes, or selling products via online store, a good personal brand is always an invaluable investment.
If people feel connected, or can relate with what you’re saying, then undoubtedly, they’ll follow your brand automatically, from one project to another. If your audience supports you, you’ll less likely struggle launching new projects as you do NOT have to start from scratch – your personal brand takes care of it all.


Set up a Blog:Site that is all about YOU


2. Set up a Blog/Site that is all about YOU

We don’t care if it’s your first priority, or a second priority. Setting up a blog/site will give you a wonderful opportunity to develop a STRONGER relationship with your clients. Follow these content tips:
  1. Include a mini-bio at the end of each post.
  2. Create an “About” page and make it unique and personal and talk about your ideal brand.
  3. People may forget most things about you, but they remember personal stories about you.
In addition, STOP being business-oriented for a minute, and FOCUS on telling interesting stories about yourself, and your future visions so that people can quickly relate with you.


Be ubiquitous WITHOUT trying hard


3. Be ubiquitous WITHOUT trying hard

To make your online presence felt everywhere, participate in social media, online forums, guest blogging, and other sources WITHOUT going overboard.
If people will hear your name enough, they will definitely want to know MORE about you (it may not happen the first time, or on the second time, or even the third, but they will eventually click that button).


No Matter What, Keep Your Brand Fresh


4. No Matter What, Keep Your Brand Fresh

If people sense you are repetitive or going stale as you promote the same business idea that was once a phenomenon, then its high-time you add something new to keep things interesting and fresh.
Keep adding new layers to what you do and represent.
You cannot always ride on the same idea, forever.


Keep Yourself Updated Frequently, and Continue to Learn


5. Keep Yourself Updated Frequently, and Continue to Learn

Keep yourself updated on your expertise and knowledge of your industry, especially in the online world. The Internet changes drastically day to day, new tools, methodologies always pop up.
So what if you were an “expert” a few years ago? If you have stopped challenging and educating yourself, you’re NOT expert anymore!
Keep on learning and updating

Bonus Tip- Interact, Talk, and Respond

6. Bonus Tip: Interact, Talk, and Respond

Do you respond back to people’s concerns, questions, and comments by replying through comments/emails, or re-tweeting their tweets, or you simply skip this step?
Well, if you don’t, you seriously need to change that strategy immediately and get people talking with you. Get them to comment, share, like, post positive things about you by adding value to their life.
If you can’t reply to everyone who sends you emails, make sure to mention this on your contact pages, or write a post that solves the answer to the generic questions people ask commonly.
Heck, you can even set up a FAQ section on your site.
Remember, if you make it clear in your posts and emails that you can’t respond to every queries and comments, people will understand and they will less likely be disappointed with you.
In this guide, we discussed how to build a personal brand in 5 simple ways.
Go on, what are your thoughts and comments about this? How do you make a STRONG brand image for your business, especially if it’s your online business? And has it worked for YOU?
If you are operating an online business, but struggling to rank for keyword phrases related with your niche, then you may probably look for a SEO company to propel your online efforts with their “specialized knowledge.”
Why should you hire an SEO company to take your business to the next level?
Because, after a certain stage, and most likely with your limited amount of knowledge on SEO and limited resources, it become very difficult to keep up with the SEO updates, rank for your major keyword, particularly if it’s highly competitive.
Yes, using the specialized SEO knowledge of a professional company is best way to gain MORE visibility for any business, especially if they have all the right tools, techniques, experience, and proven results so that you stay one more step above your competition, gain all the traffic you’ve craving for, and then, literally profits from MASSIVE online sales.


Here’s how you can propel your online efforts with specialized knowledge:


Keep Your Content Up-to-Date –


1. Keep Your Content Up-to-Date

Does your site contain the same old, outdated, or worse, irrelevant content on it? If it does, you will probably irritate your potential clients.
Don’t do this as your visitors spend plenty of time to come up with search terms to find exactly what they need. They want to land on sites that provide relevant and up-to-date information for their search terms.
Here’s how you can propel your online efforts – start creating relevant, unique, and helpful articles, with engaging pictures, and other documents. Keep them updated, frequently.
Remember the golden rule to online success – always keep it real and fresh.


2. Use Proper:Relevant Keywords on Your Site -


2. Use Proper/Relevant Keywords on Your Site –

People will find your site faster and easier when you use proper (relevant) keywords on your site and its content. This is because search engines often want to redirect customers to the most relevant site for their search terms.
So when you use highly relevant and popular keywords that best describe your business, then MORE targeted people will start visiting your site and purchase what you have to sell.
Plus, they will less likely visit your competitor’s site too.

Happy group of finger smileys with social network icon

3. Establish Social Networks –

Do you want to gain higher search engine rankings for your site, quickly? Why not use social media networks and become active to engage, inform, and attract your customers?
Create a Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other bunch of popular social media accounts for FREE and start interacting and building genuine relationship with our potential customers by adding value to them.
If they like what you have to say, they’ll not only purchase from you, but they’ll help make it go viral by sharing it to their friends, families, or someone they know who may benefit from it.
Not to mention, you’ll also likely see surge in rankings you’ve been imagining before.

4. Post Videos to Engage Your Visitors on Your Site –

4. Post Videos to Engage Your Visitors on Your Site –

Most people who visit your site are in a hurry, and they want helpful information quickly. As a result, they only spend few minutes and leave after they’ve found the information they need.
But if you want to keep you visitors longer on your site, there’s a better way to do so – upload relevant and helpful videos. Videos offer an effective and easy way to learn MORE about your services and products.
Not only people will understand what you offer, but they will also start to trust you more, and hopefully do a business with you, soon.


Get a HELP of a Professional SEO Company –


5. Get a HELP of a Professional SEO Company –

If you are newbie on the Internet, or simply don’t have the right tools, resources, and expertise to develop and maintain an engaging site, then you can hire a professional SEO company who have specialize knowledge to make your site relevant, popular, and highly profitable.
Hiring a professional SEO company is the best way to benefit your business and take it to the level you’ve always imagined.


To Sum it ALL …

Setting up a strong online presence and maintaining it requires that you are well-versed in the latest SEO methods and practices so that your business is always a step ahead of your competitors.
However, if you do not have the tools, time, and resources to follow effective SEO strategies, then you can hire a professional SEO consultant who can handle all these technical stuffs for you.

Contact us to get ethical, latest, and effective SEO services.

Hiring a professional SEO consultant may be your first step towards promoting your site/blog, but the wrong choice could be disastrous to you – pouring tons of money, hiring the wrong consultant, not ranking in search engines, and so on.
You get the picture?
So make sure you are aware of the advantages of hiring an SEO specialist as well as all the risks involved and potential damage a bad SEO consultant can do to your business and your site.

1. Don’t believe their “Hype”

1. Don’t believe their “Hype”

If an SEO consultant or a company guarantees “#1 ranking in Google” in a very short span of time, within a week, inquire about their SEO tactics. If they hesitate, just move and find another one.
Fast ranking is possible, however, it takes time.
In fact, it takes a lot of time, probably 3 to 6 months at minimum to rank for a competitive market/ keywords.
So do me a favor – ensure that your potential SEO consultant is not going to get you there by using Google Adwords paid service!
Well, there’s nothing wrong using Google Adwords paid service to bring more traffic to your site, but if your potential SEO consultant tells you that you are not going to rank well in search engines without pouring money in “Google paid service,” its time your move on.
Remember, paid service (ads) is not search results!
It is acceptable to supplement traffic to your site using Google ads in order to rank, but just ensure what you are paying for. Nobody can predict high SERPs rankings, but many SEO firms do make unrealistic guarantees.
Watch out when they make wild promises to submit your business site/blog to 1000s of directories, or any other “apple in the sky” schemes that are impossible to achieve.
Heard about the old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn’t true?”

Inquire About the SEO Consultant and Accept No Secrets

2. Inquire About the SEO Consultant and Accept No Secrets

Sit down and talk with your potential SEO consultant and figure out what you will be getting and also how they will plan to achieve those results.
Just remember – you are putting your business reputation on line when you submit your site to a SEO consultant. How your site will rank and get in the 1st page of Google could either make or break your business.
For instance, if the potential SEO consultant are using “black hat SEO” tactics or by violating Google’s rules, it is YOUR site/blog that will get penalized or even banned from SERPs.
Of course, most SEO consultants won’t tell you all the details about their SEO tactics as it would be tiring and time consuming.
Sometimes, the best search engine marketers also don’t know everything about the SEO methods they will use until they actually get “into” the project. If search engine optimization was that simple, you could have done that all by yourself wouldn’t you?
In fact, SEO is not only a time consuming process, but also a very complex and evolving process.
So, if a SEO consultant sighs away from giving you at least an overview of their optimization process and claim that it’s their “well-kept secret,” then they are someone you don’t want to trust your business with.

In order to avoid hiring a “Bad” SEO consultant, you can ask these questions during an interview-

In order to avoid hiring a “Bad” SEO consultant, you can ask these questions during an interview:

  1. Ask them to show past success stories – i.e. examples of their work
  2. How do they figure out what keywords phrase to target for your business?
  3. Do they comply with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines?
  4. Do they have marketing experiences besides search engine optimization service and backlink building?
  5. Do they offer any other type of marketing services?
  6. What kind of result you will likely expect from them and the timeframe to achieve it? How will they measure the site’s success?
  7. How do they get backlinks? Do they use paid link schemes in low-quality sites that won’t do anything useful in search engine rankings?
  8. Localization is very important! Do they have experience in local marketing – in your country, city, or region?
  9. What different SEO strategies they use and what do they consider the most important?
See, finding a trustworthy SEO consultant can be really difficult, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t take time to make an informed decision.
Take plenty of time and select SEO Company wisely as it can not only save you lot of time and effort on your part, but also give you the results and awesome ROI your business desperately needs in order to excel online.
Remember – if your SEO specialist doesn’t know proper SEO, you’ll only attract more potential hazards and downfall than promoting your site online successfully.
Of course, you may want to choose us as your SEO consultant. We perform SEO (on-page and off-page) very well, and we do it right. Here is why.
Contact us and feel free to ask us anything you have in your mind to know about our professional SEO consultancy service.
The main objective of B2B marketing is to get MORE clients. No one can doubt on this fact, but how to perform B2B marketing in order to get clients is the question!
In this guide, we’ll cover some of the cost-effective yet high-impact important steps you can follow to attract MORE clients. You perform B2B marketing in a way that won’t make you shrink away, gamble your hard earned money on long term campaigns, or endure cold calling rejections.
But most importantly, these 7 ways you can reach out to B2B customer will forge a relationship with your prospect a respectful, genuine, and spam-free way.
You want to make your prospects to feel fortunate to have found you, rather than, willing to do anything to avoid you. So, in this guide, we will uncover few golden rules you can employ to treat people in a friendly and professional manner just like you would want others do to you.

Find 10 Companies:Contact Persons You Want to Do Business With


1. Find 10 Companies/Contact Persons You Want to Do Business With

You want to find an ideal prospect. You want to know what industry they are in. How large should they be in order to fit and afford your business products and services?
Similarly, don’t go and hunt for 1000 of different prospectus. If 10 is good, then stick to that number as you cannot give your undivided attention to all those 1000 customers.
Starting with small lets you work smarter, complete the process faster, and make a great impact.

Inquire About the SEO Consultant and Accept No Secrets Get active ONLINE as a person, NOT as a salesman

2. Get active ONLINE as a person, NOT as a salesman

– Setup up a Google Alerts to receive daily summary of news, reports, and other information from the list of 10 companies and right into your inbox.
Through Google Alert, you can quickly scan to see if there is any relevant news you can respond to. If there are, grab a note card, jot down a quick and relevant message, drop your business card, and send it off.
Likewise, visit their website to know if they participate in social networks. People often participate in Social Media to engage with like-minded people, get attention, and promote their message and brand.
So, follow them on Twitter, or “Like” their Facebook page. Are they in Google+? Well, give “+1” on appropriate updates. Do they have a blog? Find out what topics they write about, leave a thoughtful comment – but refrain from leaving any hints of sales.

Use LinkedIn to Find Common Contacts

3. Use LinkedIn to Find Common Contacts

If you’re in LinkedIn, use its search tool to find more connections. On the right side, scroll down to see a sandbox of connections. At the top, you will see any connections you may have in common.
This is a precious piece of information because you can now ask the person who is in common to make an introduction.
When it comes to introduction, a face-to-face introduction is always the best method; however, an email introduction is “okay” too. After you get a face-to-face or email introduction, it’s probably a good time to ask the person to connect with you on LinkedIn.

Don’t Spam People, Instead Court them

4. Don’t Spam People, Instead Court them

After you’ve made a connection to contacts on your list, court them, and not spam them! Remember, there are several stages the prospect needs to go in order to become an ideal client.
If you are tempted to skip a stage, you may get customers who doesn’t value you or your products and your services and is less than happy to buy. If you try to prematurely skip steps, like trying to sell before building value, you may also risk damaging the relationship you have built with them earlier.
Worse still, if someone in common had made the introduction on your behalf, they won’t be eager to make another introduction for you once they hear you went for hard sell with their colleague or friend.

Show Genuine interest!

5. Show Genuine interest!

Find ways to Strengthen the Relationship

6. Find ways to Strengthen the Relationship

As you begin to learn more about your ideal prospect, you will also likely find out who their ideal prospect is. Is there someone you know you could refer to them who requires their products and services?
Have you come across white papers, articles, or blog posts, that you think would be of interest to them? Likewise, if they have something commendable, and if you have a connection with a reporter, you may want to look to make for an introduction.
Have you read an interesting business book? Why not send them 10 copies of it to each of your client in the top 10 list? Include a note mentioning what you think is interesting about the book and what they might find interesting.
For example, I use stickers with my business information on the front. I stick them on the books I give out. So, after months, they will still remember who sent them.


7. Add Another 5 Companies on Your List, Every month

At the end of each month, make sure you add another 5 companies to your list. Don’t be tempted to add 100 of new connections as you know you won’t be able to put your energy and attention to all of them. If this happens, you will likely lose more connections.
Start with small number of connection with them. Provide your best and complete services to them before including another client. This way, you will provide a formidable service to your clients.


Recap of 7 Ways You Can Reach out to B2B Customers:

Unlike direct marketing strategies, where most companies send their connection request to the mass with no differentiation or personalization, these 7 relationship-building ways will make you stand out. You will have a prospect that will be more eager to do business with you. If they aren’t ready to do business with you, at least they’ll be very likely to refer you to someone who is.


Do you know the MOST overlooked factor in SEO?
Well, it’s user behavior!
Go and approach any SEO consultants and they will offer you incredible services like:
But they overlook one  very basic point – the user behavior!
SEO will no doubt get you at the TOP of the search engine result pages (SERPs), however, user behavior will help you be there. But often times, most SEO consultant will offer you a very bad piece of advice, i.e. set up a blog/site and then perform SEO second.
This is a wrong mentality!


In fact, you need to understand there are 3 steps to SEO,

On-page SEO

1.    On-page SEO

– Is creating content (pages and blog posts) that would be easy for search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing to read and understand what your pages are about, index it, and display it to people (potential customers) for relevant search terms.

Off-page SEO

2.    Off-page SEO

– Refers to link building to other RELEVANT sites (forums, blogs, article directories) in order to build backlinks (link back to your site) so that people can visit your site other than search engine page.
Here are some great ways to build yourself quality backlinks.

User behavior

3.    User behavior

– How internet users interact to your site (blog commenting, forum thread posting) will tell search engines whether your site rankings is correct.


What Search Engine Robots CAN’T see?

When search engine robots crawls through your website, they can READ the content, however, they can’t gain an emotional response to it.
Consider this example “How to get more free traffic to your site.”
Search engine robots can quickly tell this site is about SEO and also understand that there’s a lot of “How to” guides out there.
But how does it know it’s better than other websites?
The main job of search engine is to offer best search result pages (SERPs) for any keyword phrase, but it must be for humans, not for robots.


How search engine robots get emotional

So far, a robot can find this site and understand its’ context but to assess if it is a good site it needs some help from humans and internet users.


Search engine can only measure:

1.    Click through rate (CTR) – The percentage of internet users who click on the site link displayed on search result page.
2.    Bounce Rate – After click through, what percentage of visitors pressed the BACK button and how quickly they pressed the button?
Google has few more advantage!
Internet marketers serious about SEO have Google Analytics installed on their site which can tell a whole lot more like:
1.    After the click through, where do visitors go?
2.    How much time they spend on your site/ on each page
So, you see, the search engine robot calculates where a site/page should rank for a particular keyword phrase.
Then they utilize the “user behavior” to determine if that first calculation was good or bad. And then, they decide whether your site should move up or move down in the search results page.
Simple, eh?



That generally means that it’s okay to use both content and code in order to gain better rankings, but only to see them drop back again.
Unless you are getting a help of an SEO consultant that knows and understand “user-behavior” is equally important as your page URLs, titles, headers, and other SEO factors.
So, user-behavior must be a key part of any SEO campaign.
While boosting your CTR depends upon the code, however, reducing your site’s/ page’s bounce rate or increasing the average time your visitors spend on your site is a whole different ball game.


Good Design + Great Content + Coding + Links = Positive User Behavior

Most companies try to keep web design and content (SEO) separate, however, we DON’T.
How your site looks, how easy it is to navigate, and the way it encourages visitors to explore other content … all affects the bounce rate as well as average time spent on site.
That means good web design is a vital part of SEO, just like coding, content, and links are.


So, how come sites that are UGLY still rank HIGHER than other?

With SEO, everything is about competition. For example, website A with poor design but great content can rank higher provided that there isn’t a site with a great design as well as great content and SEOed in order to compete.
But it also means that Website A can topple anytime from the higher rankings as soon as another site with great content and design comes along.
Just ask online store owners!


All Round SEO Services

So, if you would like to discuss about overall SEO services, please contact us for a FREE 1 hour SEO consultation.
If you are running an online business website, at some point or other, you probably have come across this question: “how much should I spend on SEO?” or “how much do I spend on SEO?”
Well it’s a tough question, but I’ll try to answer it anyway!


What is your major goal of your site?

The question “Should I spend for SEO or not?” begs for another question and that is “What is your major goal of your site?”

So, if you are running a real online business where you are thinking of supplementing your current income, or even, transform it into a “real source of income,” then I think you need to be open on “investing in search engine optimization (SEO).” Period!

SEO often turns out to be the foundation of online marketing and continues to be one of the major sources of regular traffic.
Not only will you need to invest money, but sometimes you will also need to invest considerable amount of time too and there’s a reason for that.
There’s a wide spread misconception across the Internet about starting online business! —
There’s a lot of build a site and see traffic mentality going on among website owners. In other words, most people think if you just set up a site/blog and leave it just like that, viola … you have money making machine overnight.
While it’s true that doing business online is cheaper and easier and even quicker than doing business offline (you don’t have to set up a physical stores and face other issues while running a brick and mortar business), but by no means it is a sure thing.
That means you still have to put effort to make it a success!
No, don’t get me wrong. I am NOT saying starting an online business isn’t worthy, or profitable, or you shouldn’t. I am just pointing out that if you want to grow your business and make it profitable, you need to treat it seriously too.
With that said, yes, you will have to spend both your time as well as your hard earned money into generating traffic. Because without traffic, you don’t have money, right?


So now you know whether you should spend CASH for SEO or not, another question pops up, i.e. “how much should you spend on SEO?”

Well, you will need to spend some numbers in order to:
  1. Figure out how many visitors it takes in order to make a sale.
  2. Plus, you may want to know how much a sale is worth to you and then fine-tune your SEO budget accordingly.
If you are using PPC as part of your SEO campaign (most website owners waste TONS of money on PPC that fails to convert) then spend wisely, otherwise, it can suck you dry!
For organic traffic, though, you may find SEO services costing you everything from $19.99 for “mass submission service” (avoid them as you’ll likely lose your $19.99) to thousands of dollars each month worst, you get your website penalised by the search engines like Google.
Likewise, most small- and medium-sized enterprises (SEMs) usually spend around $300 – $800 per month. Sometimes, the numbers may also go a little bit higher, probably $500 to $1500 per month.
So if you’re spending somewhere between that range, then you should expect to get a quality SEO services from SEO consultants.


Often do I get surprised to hear people getting irritated or even hesitant to spend for quality SEO services.

Business owners don’t hesitate to pay for their doctor bills, or a mechanic bill, or even hire an expensive web designer, but when it comes to marketing their business seriously, they resent to pay for SEO.
If you have both the SEO know-how and ample amount of time, then by all means, please don’t pay any SEO consultant for their search engine optimization services.
Instead, we encourage for you to do it yourself (DIY).
However, if you cannot dedicate few hours a day or don’t have knowledge of proper and current SEO tactics, it is highly encourage that you should budget spending for SEO services.
Remember, driving traffic to your online business site is the key factor to make it become profitable and certainly not an area where you want to go cheap.


Over the past decade, webmasters and SEO consultants has been debating whether dead (broken) links can really affect a website’s performance.
There are many SEOers who would argue that broken links will worsen user’s experience, although it may not affect their website’s rankings.
However, as search engine continuously roll out new algorithm updates, this view has changed recently.
SEO consultants around the world now fully acknowledge how dead links can impact a website’s performance.
That is the reason why most SEO consultants are focusing their effort on adhering to Google’s standards in hope it would not affect a website performance in terms of rankings.
Having a site with higher bounce rate could be disastrous to its overall rankings.

Dead links or 404 Errors

What is broken link (Dead links or 404 Errors)?

A website URL that doesn’t exists or works is called a dead link, or broken link. When you type the URL in the browser, such link will bring you to a 404 error page.
But why does broken link occur on your site?


Broken links occur on your website for several reasons, including:

  1. The page is been removed permanently
  2. The URL is placed incorrectly, and hence, you end up in a 404 page
  3. The page address is changed, but the URL attached in the link isn’t
  4. Lack of proper navigation
While few dead links, or broken links, or even 404 errors may seem normal to search engines, nonetheless, leaving unnecessary dead links on your website may be seen as a low quality website.
Not to mention it won’t escape the scrutiny of search engine spiders!
As a result, both ranking as well as the indexing of your website gets affected.


Here are few ways how broken links affects your site’s performance in search engine results, including its rankings:

Google “disapproves” broken (dead) links

1. Google “disapproves” broken (dead) links

Google have been very deliberate in its intention, as specified in its webmaster’s guidelines, to check for dead or broken links and correct HTML in your site.
While it’s okay to have few broken links that displays 404 error, having excessive amount of unchecked dead links on your site will definitely reduce its search engine rankings.

Dead Links aren’t user-friendly

2. Dead Links aren’t user-friendly

SEO services can either make or break your site. Leave too many dead links on your site, and your site visitors find it distracting, or even irritating, and move on to the next site on the search result page.
Not only this will decrease the amount of free (organic) traffic your site gets, but search engines like Google will also interpret this as site having a high bounce rate.

Broken links badly affects your site’s conversion rate

3. Broken links badly affects your site’s conversion rate

Yes, dead links will affect your conversion rate as people become discouraged to continue on when they see a blank 404 error page that doesn’t seem to guide the visitors anywhere else.
With that said, you need to quickly customize your 404 page!
Insert links to major section of your site on your 404 error page so that your visitors still have an opportunity to visit other section of your website instead of looking at the blank and ugly 404 error page.


4. Broken or dead links blocks search engine spiders

Did you know that when search engine crawlers come across broken links, they’ll face a dead end? As a result, they won’t be able to crawl further and index your site properly.
So, don’t be surprised when your site or page doesn’t appear on search engine results page (SERPs).
Major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing considers user experience as the BIGGEST reason for high search engine ranking. And, of course, link validity is one of the key factors to enhance user experience.
So, we can conclude that broken/ dead links do affect your website’s rankings negatively as it contributes to high bounce rate of a site, which search engines interprets as something wrong with it.
That is why, it’s important you make sure your site doesn’t have more than 2 to 3 dead links.


Take Action, Don’t Procrastinate!

Remove those dead links or create a customized 404 error page as it could be one of your saving graces in terms of website ranking.
Make sure you check your pages on your site, check links in it, and update it (if need be), plus update your sitemap every time you remove a page or change a URL link to avoid having broken/dead links on your site.


It’s been a quite a few while we have been spending working with clients on their content strategies. It’s been something I wanted to get them into investing their resource into, but some clients have been harder than others to convince!
I can understand why sometimes it’s tough to buy into, but I definitely believe having a compelling content strategy in place is very crucial for most of the sites we work with.


Top 2 Commons Problems Companies Struggle with Content Marketing

The top 2 common problems that most companies have with content marketing are:
  1. General lack of ideas of the type of content they can create
  2. Lack of resource to create compelling content – no time or in-house writers
There are more, but these are the most repeated ones I come across! But the rest of this article, I hope, will help solve all these problems. All the tips given in this article are given for specific reasons –
  • Most of these strategies can be used across multiple industries, regardless of it being “boring” or not
  • They don’t require tons of time to get it done
  • Plus, they will help you get MORE traffic, links, or both!


Getting Some Inspiration

Before I share with you 5 types of content you could create, I want to give you some tools and helpful pointers on how to get inspiration for your client’s content. At times, it could be difficult for you, especially when you are writing for a client who is in a “dry” industry!

Brainstorming with the client, internally -

1. Brainstorming with the client, internally –

Don’t avoid the opportunity to brainstorm with your client as it can have many advantages, one of which could be your client approving or vetoing your edgy ideas, right away.

Analysis of your non-competitors

2. Analysis of your non-competitors –

You need to look at what your competitors are doing, right? Great! It’s important to step outside your comfort zone and see what other “cool” stuffs people are doing. Don’t be surprised when you come across an idea that could have easily applied in your own niche or concept, and to your content.

Use Spezify –

3. Use Spezify –

If your brain is frozen, simply plug a keyword or two into Spezify and see what pops in a minute or two. This smart tool goes and finds tons of date – tweets, images, and blog posts – that are currently being talked about right now!



With that said, let’s get on with 5 types of content you could create:

Video Content

1. Video Content

At the moment, video marketing is getting BIGGER and BIGGER day after day. Websites using it that are really performing well, I think, will dominate their niche in the future as well.
There are 2 different ways you can utilize video content in order to help your site.
Video content as link building tool – Getting links from YouTube is something you want to do always. In addition, you can create your own videos and use them as link bait; however, it could be difficult at times. If you have resources, then go ahead and create your own video content.
Increase click-through from SERPs – As a test, you can try to list your video showing in your SERPs that will take your visitors directly to your site rather than somewhere else like YouTube or Vimeo. I can guarantee you that it works really well and I would recommend you using something like Wista to help you with this.


2. Infographics

To be honest, I really don’t like them that much because most of them are terrible and you can’t even classify them as infographs at all! But personally speaking, I think they can be sometimes really easier ways to get links.
Yes, they do get you backlinks. So, if you have ample of time and resource, then do them well! Infographics can be really good way to getting back links. Here is where you can find infographic designers at affordable rates.

Interactive Content

3. Interactive Content

Interactive content is more exciting than static Infographics. Personally speaking, the companies who can find the gap between their product or service and interactive content will win the race.
Interactive content attracts people to your site because they are genuinely useful. But it doesn’t end it all there. You can also convert your visitor into regular customers with right use of integration and call to action.

Question and Answer Content

4. Question and Answer Content

If you don’t want to spend extra cash on content, Q&A type of content could be the answer for you. No matter what products or services you offer, you will get common questions asked about it.
The beauty of Q&A type content is that it has a tremendous potential to attract traffic as well as links, especially in the technical fields. Plus, it is apparent that Google is becoming the best place to get answers to all of your direct questions.
There’s a current trend among users searching for questions rather than a keyword search. So, if you can position your site where people can get direct answers for their questions, not only you will get long tail traffic, but you will also begin to establish yourself as an authority in your field.
Use tools such as WordTracker Question Tool in order to get ideas of what people are asking related with your niche. Plus, look at the Google Analytics tool and filter out keywords that include things like “how,” “what,” and “can,” etc.

User Generated Content

5. User Generated Content

You may probably have heard about customer reviews as user generated content, but what about other type of content – images and videos? Just look at Amazon. They have been doing this for a long time now, but recently, smaller retailers are doing this too.
You may have to add little incentive in order to get your customers to generate content for you, but if it means just 10% off voucher, many of them will do and you have another opportunity for sale.
To sum it all, producing great content isn’t easy! But you still need to make an effort to start on a path where you can get it right.