So you have been successful at driving traffic to your site but haven’t paid any attention as to where your visitors may have come from?
In search marketing sphere, we need to be aware of where our visitors had been in order to figure out what they are trying to accomplish on our site.
Our website traffic is arriving from 2 different sources: search results and display ads.
Let’s simplify so that you understand why traffic from these two sources might be doing on your site and how you need to tweak little things in your site, like your posts (landing page) for example, in order to address their needs.
You see, search engine traffic wants something instantly, such as solution to their problem, more information about a product, and basically everything else.
On the other hand, traffic generated through the display ad is made up from those curious ones whom you have managed to distract from whatever they were searching for on the referring site.
As each visitor is from different sources, your landing page also needs to be slightly different too. That means the 2 universes MUST also land on 2 different posts, or 2 different landing pages.

The Search Universe

The Search Universe

Traffic coming from the search universe essentially wants to find answers about a product or a service.
With this clue, you can design a landing page that offers answers to their pressing questions by imagining what their questions may be!
Just consider, what would they ask if they were to call your business?
For example, if someone was searching for the keyword phrase, “domain names registration services,” wouldn’t that translate into “Hey, I would like to give me your quick quotation for domain name packages?”
Once you’ve framed your visitors’ intention, it would be easier for you to imagine how your landing page would be like, wouldn’t it?
On the other hand, you DO NOT want to create a “Welcome to our Domain Name Business Site!” page that talks about when you started your business, how many people work at your firm.
No, you do not want that to happen!
They simply want a catalog home page (using professional pictures) that clearly highlights each category of services.

The Display Universe

The Display Universe

Although display visitors are slightly difficult to figure out, nonetheless, they still do leave some clues that can help you to help them.
Just pay attention to ads they click, or the site where they might have seen those ads.
Additionally, if you use display ads among certain niche, or topics, or keywords, you can quickly understand who your traffic are and what do they want in general.
For instance, people who just left your domain name registration site last week may be tempted by a coupon offer for the item they had almost purchased.
Once you have a clear idea as to where your visitors are coming from and what their intentions are, you can devise a landing page accordingly.
For example, an audience of photographer whose search term and browsing behavior clearly shows them to be an enthusiastic about “DSLR camera supplies,” you can then focus your energy on crafting out a page that helps them how to make their next shots amazing.
On the other hand, visitors coming from an ad display network who have just read an article about “Ways of placing Buddha statues,” would likely appreciate a page that offers them specific information about those particular techniques.


Additional Clues

Additionally, you can also look for other clues to find out where they may have just been and their mindset of their visitors, like Geography (country, state, region, or city they searched through), as well as the time of the day, and even, day of the week.
While city dwellers may just be hobbyists, tourists in a foreign land may be running a “DSLR Studios.”
Similarly, while weekend or even evening visitors may just be hobbyists, visitors who come to your site during work day may be professional photographers.
Just remember, while there might be several different ports of entry to a country, however, there will only be one from a particular place.
Likewise, while they may be hundreds of different ways for your visitors to find your site, nonetheless, each of them arrived from one specific place.
Not to mention, they all arrived with a passport stamp that tells where exactly they had been.


If your website is running fine and has NEVER been attacked by Google’s updates, like Panda or Penguin updates, rest assured that your SEO techniques are sound and you DON’T need to worry.
However, there are several sites out there that have been severely affected by these algorithm just because they have been utilizing unethical SEO techniques that don’t comply with the guidelines set by Google.
That is because most SEO strategies that helped small businesses make GOOD profits before 2013 are outdated today.
Unfortunately, these outdated SEO methods are still in use, particularly by newbie in Internet Marketing (IM).
As these SEO tactics aren’t valid now, usage of such methods can lead to serious penalization from Google.


Just avoid these 7 expired SEO strategies:

Submission to Article Directories -

1. Submission to Article Directories –

For link building purposes, many website owners utilize article submission directories like Ezinearticles, Squidoo, and Articlebase, among others.
However, after Google released its first Panda update, the performances of all these high PR article directories were severely compromised.
That is why when you search for a keywords phrase on Google, you no longer see sites like Ezinearticles pop up in the search results.
Instead of using the same old (expired) SEO strategies, you should now focus your SEO efforts on building genuine relationships with several other bloggers who are in the same niche as you are in order to get HIGH quality backlinks.

Reciprocal Linking

2. Reciprocal Linking

For many years, exchanging links with other “random” sites was the usual way to gain extra backlinks in order to gain rankings in Google.
However, the usage of such tactic will tell the search engine that you are trying to influence rankings by earning irrelevant and cheap backlinks. Just put yourself in your visitor’s shoes before building backlinks.
After clicking a link, wouldn’t you get frustrated when you come across a site that is irrelevant to what you had read in the search result page?
That’s why you need to avoid linking to “random” sites from now on.
Instead, getting reciprocal links from HIGHLY relevant niche is the way to go in order to earn trust from Google, and ultimately, good rankings as a result.

Using “Thin” (Poor) Content

3. Using “Thin” (Poor) Content

Content is still “King” and one of the most important aspect of any successful website. High quality content that are easy to understand, fresh, and interesting can/ and only bring you TONS of FREE traffic!
But previously, many site owners, in their bid to rank quickly, used “spun,” “rehashed,” “plagiarized” content. In fact, they used software to generate duplicate content.
Not surprisingly, these spun content did very well as it contained all the targeted keywords!
However, after Panda and Penguin updates, sites using such old and unethical SEO strategies were manually tracked down and penalized, and sometimes, even dropped from Google’s search engine results.
So these days, if you aren’t using informative, fresh, and interesting, content, your site gets drop off from your current rankings.
And if Google finds you using plagiarized content to influence search engine rankings, they will penalize your site. Period!


4. Keyword Stuffing

After building a list of profitable keywords to optimize and target their site and content, most website owners made another mistake of using the same set of keywords over and over again throughout their site.
That’s not acceptable anymore!
Previously, Google didn’t notice this SEO strategy, known simply as “keyword stuffing,” used by many site owners, however, this tactic can put your site into BIG trouble.
Why is “keyword stuffing” such a BIG deal?
Well … the content reads very artificial and seems as if it was created in order to influence search engine rankings, particularly by desperate SEOs who wanted to make some quick bucks out of cheap SEO efforts.
Now, Google strictly directs site owners to create content that read natural.
So your best bet would be to use keywords naturally in the content and whenever you feel it is repeating, just use other variation of it. Simple!

Use of Automation Tools

5. Use of Automation Tools

Few years ago, many so-called “SEO Gurus” used to utilize automated tools to influence the site’s performance on search engines and make HUGE profits.
These tools helped them generate hundreds of plagiarized or spun content within few minutes and promote them using social accounts without having to spend hours on it manually.
However, Google has always been spending HUGE resources and money on providing the best search results in order to offer the best user experience than ever before.
The use of these automated tools meant they could reduce the quality of their search results as content aren’t relevant, natural, and interesting anymore!
Plus, social media is all about building genuine relationship with your targeted audience and not spam them.

Google the “Only” Source of Traffic

6. Google the “Only” Source of Traffic

Most sites are focusing on getting organic traffic from only one source, i.e. the Google search engine result page (SERPs).
However, Google’s main purpose was NOT to serve as a traffic source. It was meant to serve its clients with highly relevant search results.
Over the years, many websites have been focusing solely on Google for traffic.
Now, Google has become smarter and only displays sites in the search results that utilizes diverse source of traffic, like social media, article directories, file sharing sites, and social bookmarking sites, etc.

Implementing Tactics without a Strategy

7. Implementing Tactics without a Strategy

This is an “age old” pattern that I see repeat over and over again, especially by beginners in Internet Marketing – they simply do not have a plan that WORKS!
In other words, they just set out into SEO, without having strategies to build their site rankings.
  1. That is why old SEO methods are still visible today
  2. Plus, that is why, most people fail at Internet Marketing in general
I cannot put emphasis on this point enough: make a plan for a strategy, and work it out! Test, test, test … all the time. Rinse, and repeat.
Since early 2011, there have been several major changes for search engines to follow new direction.
In this new movement, Google has been the leader to integrate metrics that focuses on human browsing experience as well as the content analysis.
With the Google’s recent Panda and Penguin updates (along with other ranking factors such as EMD, page layout update), the message is clear for SEOs: Google’s goal is to give priority to sites for higher search rankings according to how well human evaluate them.
Google asked help from content reviewers in order to recognize patterns and factors those real human readers/visitors consider when they want to assess a website.
As a result, the job of ranking sites higher in search engines for specific queries have become pretty much complex than ever before.
In other words, sites now have a clear direction from search engines to follow their guidelines that are considered to be the standards for SEO practices, like:
  1. Proper use of tags and link structure
  2. Focus on creating content including keyword phrases that will rank your site better
  3. But also, maintain a balance to produce content for people too, and not just for the search engines.

So, here are few new steps to incorporate new SEO strategy, while still keeping with the Google’s direction:

Figure out what’s working and what’s not!

1. Figure out what’s working and what’s not!

First, create a list of every little SEO strategies you have been utilizing so far that aren’t going the way you had imagined, and a list other things that are working for your site, and other things that you’re unsure about.
Just make sure you include every little aspect of your SEO strategy in this list.
This list will point you to the right direction in the future as to what you need to perform, what changes you must include, and what other things you need to completely avoid.
Just don’t leave any stones unturned!

Talk with your SEO consultant

2. Talk with your SEO consultant

If you have employed an SEO consultant to look after your SEO campaigns, give them a call and get their insights as they may have new ideas so that you learn about new SEO trends, practices, and strategies.
This way, you know you’re following the Google’s new direction.

Do Research and Discuss with SEO consultant for Alternatives

3. Do Research and Discuss with SEO consultant for Alternatives

Once you have known what SEO strategies is working and which ones are useless, or outdated, you will be in a position to begin amending additional SEO tactics to make your SEO efforts really successful.
In order to focus on something new or incorporate new SEO strategy, it always pays to talk with an SEO consultant.
There are several different reasons why your current SEO efforts require a new direction, and doing it yourself could be an overwhelming thing for you.
Every site is different and hence every SEO strategy must be “customized!”
Hence, find an expert SEO consultant who deals with several different types of circumstances and assist in creating something specific for you.

Putting Your New found SEO Strategy in Action

4. Putting Your New found SEO Strategy in Action

Once you’ve figured out your problem areas and got input from SEO consultant regarding new focus and strategy you must follow, it’s time you …
  1. Place those plans into action in order to get where you want to be
  2. Secondly, DON’T plunge into implementing SEO plans without consulting an expert. Minor changes are okay, but when you’re trying to perform a major redirect, it’s high time you find help from an SEO expert.
  3. Thirdly, ensure that you know how to measure the performance of your new strategy. Use Google Analytics, for example, to keep track of how your site is performing over all. Don’t limit yourself to Google Analytics, though.
In fact, find other tools to implement more specific SEO strategies like “link building” and “social media success” so that you’re always following Google’s guidelines as well as leaving nothing unturned in your new SEO campaign.


New Focus! New Strategy! Keeping in Google’s Direction

Even major SEO changes don’t immediately work.
Just be patient and wait for several months before you see some solid results.
However, if you find once again that you’re not in better position (search rankings don’t change at all), then it’s probably time for new focus, new SEO strategy, and change your direction once again.
In other words, this might indicate you to change your SEO Company or hiring a new SEO consultant who can HELP!
Remember that most SEO campaigns frequently utilize new SEO strategy while still following Google Webmaster guidelines as well as Matt Cutts video suggestions.
However, as we already know, Google have all the power to change what they want and when they want.
With that said, as Google change, your SEO strategies must also change. Simply put it, it’s okay to feel that you frequently have to find a new focus, a new SEO strategy, while keeping in Google’s direction.


There are 5 different types of redirects you need to know about: 301, 302, 303, 307, and 308 redirects.
In this guide, we’ll explain what each redirect translates to and when to use 301 redirect and other redirects:


1. 301 Permanent Redirect (permanent redirect) –

What does this redirect mean? The link you are trying to visit isn’t here anymore. The URL has moved to a new address.
In theory, the server is trying to tell that the files (web page or blog post) at the address have moved to somewhere else permanently. This status usually tells the site owner that old address must be deleted and replaced with the new address.

When to use 301 redirects?

  • If you are going to delete a page, you can use the 301 redirect to forward visitors to the next location.
  • If you decide to make one version of the same page (often squeeze page) unavailable in favor of another, you can 301 the former.

302 Permanent Redirect

2. 302 redirect (temporary redirect) –

A 302 redirect usually translates into: a certain page, a URL address, was here but is unavailable for a moment. So, the visitor has to find the page in the next temporary address or wait for a while until it is available at its original location.
Although 302 redirects were originally meant for different use, many browsers didn’t pay attention to that.
As a result, a new code, 303, was created.

When should you use 302 redirect?

Well, you really don’t have to. If you really need to use 302 redirect, simply call your SEO consultant, explain them what you want to do, and they will do the job for you.
Likewise, if you’re a web programmer and feel that you want to learn more about the 302 redirect, read about the 303 redirect instead.

303 Redirect –

3. 303 Redirect –

Basically, this redirect tells a user/visitor NOT to refresh the page like crazy and accidentally re-submit their credit card payments more than a single time. So, the 303 redirect sends you to another place while you hold your credit card resubmit and avoid any confusion.
To prevent bookmarking or refreshing of pages holding one-time only data (think of an online payment form), the server answers back with a 303 redirect, which basically means “Well, we have already received your payment information from the form using the POST method; to avoid data accidents, please check out this other URL bringing your data using the GET method in order to be really clear.”

When should you use 303 redirect?

To be honest, we really don’t require using this redirect. However, if you’re a programmer, then you may want to check out the theory under 307 redirect!


4. 307 Temporary Redirect –

Like 303 redirect, this redirect prevents you from refreshing the page (like the payment form) multiple times and accidentally end up paying up more than 10 times. It sends you to another URL, temporarily.
When should you use 307 redirects? Again, you and I don’t require it. For programmer, however, learning about 307 could be handy.

308 Permanent Redirect (experimental) –

5. 308 Permanent Redirect (experimental) –

This redirect translates into: you can perform the same action you did over there, but you don’t necessarily need to change the way you said it.
When would you use it? You guessed it right! This redirect is not for you and me, but probably for web developers.

Which redirects will be important for me?

You only need to concern about two redirects – the 301 and 302 redirects. You require 301 because it is really what you want to use. Plus, you may want to avoid 302 redirects. So, if you see a 302 redirect on your site, you may want to call someone and find out why and do something about it.

Finally, can you check which type of redirect you’re using?

Of course, yes. The server broadcast this information directly on the browser. Although the information isn’t visible on the page as it is meant for the browser, nonetheless, you can use handy tool like “header checker” to make it visible on your pages to learn more about each redirect.
SEO is an important feature for any business to consider when creating their digital identity but it plays an even more crucial role for smaller businesses that are just starting out. SEO can play a major role in how local companies can get an advantage over their rivals on the web and guarantee success in their target market. But how can a small company use SEO to their advantage?


1)     Use your location as an advantage

The most reliable source business will come from the area from where you are based. It’s why using your location as a tool when implementing SEO techniques can provide a major help. It can be used as a way to create certain keywords (e.g. Melbourne writing firm) or submitted to localized listings on either Google or Yahoo. This will mean that online browsers in the area will come across your business first with special preference going to those who may live nearby as well as in other parts of the country. In addition to that, location tools such as Google Maps list give preferences to companies who can prove that they operate in a particular area. By placing just simple things such as an address in the contact us section of a page, Google can pick this up and list it on all of Google’s location tools and help solidify your business’ presence in your hometown.


2)     Create a website that is user friendly

One of the biggest draws to any popular website is that it’s easy to use. Rather than using fancy SEO tools to help make a site memorable, it’s the basics that keep traffic levels high on a website.  This means that the each page needs to be crisp and clean with all the content and links easy to find within a second or two. This way, browsers can see what the page is about and what products you may sell. Having the page well linked too will also benefit users who may want to make queries and purchases boosting the overall appeal of the company. Of course, it’s also a good idea to utilise more modern SEO content ideas such as videos and infographics which can impress new browsers but these ideas need to keep within the style and topics associated with the company so it doesn’t alienate the regular browsers of the site. If you do not have a website, read more about our website development for clients.


3)     Select several keywords

There is always an emphasis on keywords in SEO and this couldn’t be more important for a small business. These keywords will identify the main sector that the business deals in so two or three that will cover all aspect of the business. Before any terms are chosen to represent a company online, they need to be well researched to decide which the best phrase to use is. There are thousands o similar terms that could relate to one subject and naturally, some will be a lot more competitive than others and also put a website into potentially different categories  Having 2 or 3 terms will also give your firm greater chances of ranking high on search engines and maximising all opportunities of generating business online.  One of these terms should be a long tail keyword which will allow your business to use 1 or 2 details about your firm to be ranked on Google e.g computer manufacturers in Cambridge. This will increase the chances of landing a page 1 ranking on a search engine by eliminating substantial competition and still keep high levels of traffic reaching your site.


4)     Use Social Media

There isn’t a better way to expose a company to a wide audience than through social media. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are great places to promote a company through just one or two terms especially by tagging them in posts and tweets. By tweaking your profile page on these sites towards these key features, you can use SEO to boost your customer base significantly and take the next step into establishing the firm within the local area. Alongside that, social media sites often let plug-ins be linked directly into a site that has regularly published content online such as blogs and videos which is not only a quick way to directly create a link to social networks but also allows for browsers to promote content to their friends and increasing the amount of traffic to that site. If your business still needs to generate some more traffic to a site, then some social media sites such as Pinterest and LinkedIn are good ways to create incoming links to your site with other related sites and blogs in your area.


5)     Get your own blog up and running

One of the biggest but simplest ways for a small business to boost their online presence is by setting up their own blog. This means you only need to have basic articles on a chosen topic published every week to help keep visitors coming back to the site on a regular basis. By having regular content published on the site, it can maintain high traffic levels and help solidify a good ranking on an SERP. As blogs get more and more content on the site, it will also ensure a better reputation for your business in a particular subject or niche. This will help the site become a hub for anyone interested in that subject and help boost the number of links coming into your site.


6)     Plan with the SEO firm

Creating a relationship with an SEO is a great way for small businesses to really get to grips with their own content. Communicating with a reputable SEO designer will allow for you to recognise how they can adapt your website thank to using different practices and techniques. By doing this, it will be easy to know what is being done at each separate stage and then give you the chance to see the business grow online and become a  major online presence within the local community. But it’s important to be clear about what you want to get from the SEO firm and that they are able to match every single one of you needs. This will not only avoid any delays in getting the site ranked on a search engine but also help your business grow at a pace that suits you and your company.


7)       Look at Google

Google is the biggest search engine on the Internet and it is a dream platform for small business to carry out all of their SEO needs. One of the best platforms to use is Google+ which can let you sign a business up and directly link content from your site to Google’s own social network allowing for more viewers to see your site. On top of that, software such as Google Authorship can place all of your business’ content directly onto Google Plus boosting the online credibility and reputation of the company. With all your content now visible on Google, a smart SEO tactic is to get friends and trusted customers to give positive reviews for your business on Google. This way, your site is going to be given a higher value by the search engine and ranked within the first couple of pages on Google.



There are always going to be many different ways for companies to grow online and increase their digital presence. SEO can be adopted in many ways and not just focused on search engine rankings.  Both social media sites and the mobile markets are developing sectors where there is a huge audience for businesses to be exposed to.  By taking advantage of hashtags and more optimized webpages, it can be the perfect place for smaller businesses to get a leg up over bigger rivals and make their name known on all digital platforms.
By using SEO techniques wisely, small businesses will be able to establish their own presence online and gain exposure that will boost their online traffic and help generate business both through the web and physical sales.


You are using web as a tool to promote and market your products and services and boost online sales by bringing free traffic. By increasing the number of visits to your site, you not only increase the visibility of your site, but also increase business sales. Every business – small or large – owner knows that a good and trusty advertising campaign is the key to amplify their business reputation online, build strong authority in their niche, and bring more traffic. This is where search engine optimization, or SEO, service provider comes in.


The Job of Search Engine Optimization Providers

SEO providers are companies who give a traffic and search engine ranking lift for your business site by performing internet marketing campaign for you. Their primary task is to raise your site’s rank in major search engines, like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, so that more visitors, and potential consumers, will be able to find you online when they type certain keyword phrase. Plus, a good SEO provider will also find and code proper keywords most suited for your business that your target audience type in the search engine to find services and products similar to yours. With these proper keywords, you will more likely find the right audience searching for them, and as a result, boost traffic, and hopefully increase online sales.
Likewise, SEO supplier also builds links (link building service) between your site and other relevant sites – blogs, forums, and article directories, among others – and improve the content published on it, too.


Does Cheap SEO Service Guarantee Quality Work?

But as the importance and demand of SEO is rising up, companies offering affordable/cheap SEO services are sprouting like mushroom and this can easily overwhelm inexperienced business owner to hire the “right” ones. As a result, most business owners fall for cheap SEO services thinking that they’ll save few dollars and get the rankings. But doing so usually backfires them because cheap SEO services doesn’t equals to guarantee of high search engine ranking. In fact, hiring a “cheap” SEO service provider can destroy your online reputation, in a matter of minutes.
No, we are not saying that discounted SEO doesn’t mean quality work. There are good companies, particularly from third world countries, that offer low-priced SEO services since their cost of living is relatively cheap. Nonetheless, the worthiness of cheap SEO is extremely slim. Finding a good and inexpensive SEO provider will be like finding a needle in a haystack the size of a Jupiter.


What’s the Issue of Cost-Effective SEO Provider?

Well, besides low quality of work, they will most likely give you SEO campaigns for every project is the same – the same “copy and paste” methods they use with every other client. This should not be the case, though.
Each Internet Marketing campaigns must be different and customized for each business needs. If they give you links considered to be spam by Google, a routine check tracks this down, you need to check and remove these low-quality links before they slaps your site – block and shut down your website.
Well, that could be devastating both for you and your online business because building up a new website is both laborious and time-consuming. Even though you hire a well-established SEO provider to correct the situation, they still won’t be able to correct the damage that’s already been done to your site.


Instead, Look for Trustworthy SEO Companies

Building a web campaign is both labors intensive and laborious. A SEO firm who performs cheap SEO has to focus their attention to small details to promote your website, building links with other sites. Doing this often takes a lot of time and effort. So if you go for inexpensive path, you will also get low quality SEO results. As a result, you will lose more potential clients who could have increased your business profits. If you are thinking about profits, then you need to choose smartly. So if you are in doubt whether you should buy cheap SEO services, then always look for trustworthy ones.


Google keeps updating their algorithm every now and then to ensure that webmasters are using the right SEO techniques to gain the rankings. If you got hit by Google Panda and Penguin, then you need to find what the “illness” is. When you know what Panda and Penguin targets when you violate their terms, you are in a better position to recover from penalties with great precision, effectively, and efficient.
Panda targets website and pages that have low-quality content, or “thin content.” But most importantly, they attack sites/users that publish the same low quality content on content farms “stuffed” with keywords and links but offer nothing in value for the reader.
On the other hand Google Penguin attacks sites that violate Google’s quality guidelines. Penguin would get a site in trouble that uses black hat SEO techniques, like keyword stuffing, or webspam, and cloaking. Other less suspicious tactics like inserting irrelevant links (link farming) going outside the page of the content would also force Penguin to block a site.


Hit by Google Panda?


If you were hit by the Google Panda, here are a couple of things you can do to recover from the slap.


Substitute thin content

Revisit your site and check for duplicated content on pages, particularly those pages that contain your main keywords and make it content rich. Read the whole content again as if you were a visitor to your site. The content must be easy to read, useful, fresh, and informative.
Warning: Don’t be tempted to use “spun” articles on your website. Instead, use only “original” and “fresh” content. You may save few bucks now but later run the risk of getting penalized, wasting more time, effort, and money.
Once you have identified thin content on your website, you can use Google’s Analytical tool to get more specific information of pages that usually get very few visitors each day. But the number may vary depending upon your website. For example, if your main pages usually have 100 visits a day, then you might want to consider the number below 20 a risk factor.
Likewise, use the ‘Disavow’ tool from the Google Webmaster tool to find unnatural links in a page and duplicate content and remove them. If you can’t do this yourself, hire a professional SEO expert.
Once you have identified these pages, immediately replace the existing content with a high quality – unique, fresh, and informative – content because many poorly written pages often get fewer visits.


Use Ads Sparingly

If your site does not contain any ads, then you are not likely to get hit by Panda. On the other hand, if your site has numerous ads, then you need to consider using them in an intelligent manner. Remember that the only reason a visitor wants to be on your website is to get useful information that solves their problems and not to get overwhelmed by looking ads promotions.


Add Quality Content and Avoid Shortcuts

As mentioned earlier, the only reason people come to your website is because of the content there and that’s what Google wants to happen. Nevertheless, you will find low quality sites ranking high with low quality information which leaves Google users disappointed. Since Google don’t want to tarnish their name, they introduced Panda. Shortcuts will only lead you to slap by Google. But if you are not sure if your content is high quality, or the links are broken, or basically contain blank pages, or if you don’t know how to do perform these tasks, then you may want to consult a trusted SEO expert to check your website and do a clean up. In this regard, the expert would be able to identify empty pages and broken links efficiently & effectively.


Hit By Penguin?


 Well, if you are hit by penguin, then there a couple of things that you will need to do in order to see yourself back at the top in rankings. Penguin has resurfaced again. Click here to read more about it.


Check and Clean Up your Backlinks

The first thing you need to do is remove any links that come from low quality sites. If you were buying links, then do away with them as sooner or later your site has a high chance of getting caught by Penguin.
 If you should buy links to get high rankings for your website and pages then make sure you know what you are buying. Ask your SEO expert to send you the list of websites your site will be linked to. These sites must be relevant to yours in terms of topic, and most importantly, have a high page ranking.


Don’t Over-Optimize!

Make sure that your website isn’t over-optimized with anchor text as links. While building links, try to use variety of keywords as anchor text for both internal and external links. Ensure the anchor text in the links fit naturally with the sentence and the context. If you don’t know how to do this, you may want to ask SEO personnel to your web pages. Web pages, after all, are meant for human readers.


Clean up both Internal and External Links

Make sure that all your links are working and there aren’t any broken links, and it doesn’t return a 404 error message after clicking. Although Google doesn’t penalize on this, nonetheless, it contributes to poor user experience and sooner or later will impact your website’s search engine performance.


Go Social

One way to increase your chances of evading penguin slap is by using the social networks especially Google +. Google always favors their own site and it’s good to work with them for your benefit. Google views links from social websites as natural and therefore will assume that people are happy with your website content. If your content is shared in social networks, then you are not at risk of being hit by Penguin. When you go social, you at least look more legitimate in the eyes of Google and not a fake enterprise or individual.


Summary of How to Recover from Panda & Penguin

In order to recover your website and pages from Panda and Penguin, you need to ensure providing good user experience, which includes publishing high quality content that are fresh, unique, and informative.
Likewise, avoid taking any shortcuts by publishing “duplicate” and “spammy” content that doesn’t add value to its readers and are only used for promotion. Never use black hat SEO technique to build links and influence the search engine rankings of your website. If Google suspects these activities, they’ll completely ban your site.
Instead, add quality content that adds value to its readers. Make the links inside each page natural and link them outside other sites that are relevant to your topics.




If you are new to SEO, then you may have little knowledge on Panda and Penguin which have been the talk for the last couple of years. Penguin and Panda are algorithms used by Google to analyze websites in order to choose which one ranks above the rest in the search engine results page commonly known as SERP. Before Panda and Penguin, Google used other algorithms which only relied on Keywords.


Why Panda and Penguin?


In the past couple of years before the introduction of Panda and penguin, many webmasters had various techniques that they used to rank on the top at the SERP. If you are new to SEO, you should note that the average ‘searcher’ on Google rarely goes past the second result page and therefore, if your website isn’t close to the first page, you may never get visitors to your website. Some of these techniques were genuine while others were totally unacceptable. One of the common techniques was the use of keyword stuffing. Since Google used to check on the page that had the most number of keywords typed on the search box, sometimes ‘Searchers’ got disappointed by what they got on the page. Google realized this and had to introduce a way in which they would ensure the common ‘searcher’ would find the ideal website with the information he or she is looking for.


What are the Effects of Google Penguin and Panda?


The reason as to why Penguin was introduced was to ensure that spammy links into low quality websites were eliminated. Have you ever clicked on a photo online and it automatically takes you to another page which isn’t relevant to what you were looking for? This is the kind that penguin was looking forward to working on. Panda also works on ensuring that website owners provide quality and unique content on their websites. Some webmasters used to duplicate content from other websites and just tweak them which would lead to too much content that is similar. So if your website had low quality content or duplicated content, panda would slap you immediately if not dropping on the SERP ranking. The main aim of these two animals is to ensure that webmasters get organic traffic to their websites and also offer quality content to their visitors.


What if Hit by Penguin or Panda? How do you Recover?


If you are hit by panda or penguin, you only need to do a thorough check on your website. Some of the things that you need to look out for are:
– Quality of your content (Read here for ideas on web content)
– Quality of your backlinks (Here is how to create quality backlinks)
– Ads
– Social networks
If you find out that your website has poor quality content, remove the pages and replace them with others or polish the already existing content. If you find out that you have links originating from poor websites, please take them down and look for genuine links from social media. You should also check your website to see whether you have blank pages or broken inbound links and so on.




Over the years, many website have been hit by Google’s Penguin and Panda updates. Google uses these two updates to analyze sites in order to determine which site ranks on top of another on search engine result pages, known commonly as SERP.
Before Panda and Penguin emerged, many webmasters and blog/site owners would use “unacceptable” SEO tactics, like keyword stuffing, black hat SEO techniques, and link farming just to influence the rankings of their website.
These site didn’t add any real value to its readers. As a result, more searchers, including people like you and me, found sites containing junk content and spammy results. More people started to get bad experience using Google search engine.
Google noticed this trend and soon decided to take proper measure to ensure that visitors got the most relevant, useful and ideal content for their search terms.
Although the process of SEO has become a little bit difficult than the old days, nonetheless, Penguin and Panda updates are good measures to offer quality content for visitors.
Just consider – you are a searcher too. If you found site that add nothing in value, wouldn’t you be angry having waste your time?


For black hatters, it was a dark day when the big G launched its newest algorithm update designed to fight any kind of spam. Launched on the 22nd of May 2013, it’s here to make sure that spam is out of the way and only unique content and genuine links are considered when ranking websites. The new penguin 2.0 version 4 is designed with up to date technologies that are better than what the previous version was using.  These technologies are meant to ensure that any backlinks in a website are natural in order for Google to have only the best in their rankings. Here are some of the things that will change in the error of post penguin 2.0.


What next?

The new algorithm uses a couple of factors to rank your site. The new penguin 2.0 is able to determine whether visitors that come to your site enjoy what you have to offer or leave with nothing. The algorithm is capable of detecting the number of times your website is bookmarked, how many times a visitor comes back for more and the number of times it’s shared on social networks. This Google algorithm update even knows when you use natural and bought backlinks.


The main updates hat will affect your site

 Spammy links will be a thing of the past with penguin 2.0 version 4. Page ranks will also not rely on advertising. In the case of link spamming, you better not go there as you will be slapped. Matt Cutts says that the algorithm has a sophisticated way of analyzing links and therefore they will have accurate information before taking down any sites. Here are some of the things that Penguin 2.0 is discouraging.
  • Paid backlinks
  • Backlinks from dangerous sites
  • Article marketing
  • Comment spamming
  • Poorly written guest blog posts


How do you avoid a slap from Google?


What Google is looking for are people who are using white hat methods to acquire traffic to their sites. You will need to remove all kinds of links that point to your website that you think might be unnatural. The nest thing you will need to do is offer genuinely written content for a real human audience. In order to achieve this, you will need to engage your customers in social networks as weld as in your website. Furthermore, you need to create fresh content for your website on a regular basis.


How do I recover from the Google algorithm?

In case you get hit by Google, the first and foremost things to do are analyze your link profile for spammy or low quality links. In order to achieve this, it’s good to use the Disavow tool offered by Google. This is one of the best tools and it will assist you to clean up the bad links. Make sure to get yourself involved in social media and get real traffic from there. The main idea here is to make sure that the content in your website is valuable to your clients or site visitors.


Here are all the versions of Panda & Penguin updates with their rolled out dates.

If you found your site’s ranking drop during any of these times, it’s likely that your site was flagged either by Panda, Penguin or both.


Panda updates till date:

1. Panda 1.0, aka the “Farmer Update” on February 24th 2011
2. Panda 2.0 on April 11th 2011. Impacts all English speaking sites
3. Panda 2.1 on May 9th 2011
4. Panda 2.2 on June 18th 2011 or so
5. Panda 2.3 on around July 22nd 2011
6. Panda 2.4 in August 2011(Panda goes international)
7. Panda 2.5 on September 28th 2011
8. Panda 2.5.1 on October 9th 2011
9. Panda 2.5.2 on October 13th 2011
10. Panda 2.5.3 on October 19/20th 2011
11. Panda 3.1 on November 18th 2011
12. Panda 3.2 on about January 15th 2012
13. Panda 3.3 on about February 26th 2012
14. Panda 3.4 on March 23rd 2012
15. Panda 3.5 on April 19th 2012
16. Panda 3.6 on April 27th 2012
17. Panda 3.7 on June 8th 2012
18. Panda 3.8 on June 25th 2012
19. Panda 3.9 on July 24th 2012
20. Panda 3.9.1 on August 20th 2012
21. Panda 3.9.2 on September 18th 2012
22. Panda Update #20 on September 27 2012
23. Panda #21 on November 5th 2012
24. Panda #22 on December 4th 2012
25. Panda #23 on December 21st 2012
26. Panda #24 on Jan. 22nd 2013
27. Panda #25 on March 25th 2013


Penguin updates till date:

1. First Penguin Update on April 24th 2012
2. Penguin 1.1 on May 25th 2012
3. Penguin #3 on October 9th 2012
4. Penguin #4 (aka Penguin 2.0) on May 22nd, 2013


Google has done it again! It introduced Penguin 2.0, which only means that some SEO experts need to change their strategies. After announcing its release, head of Google’s search spam Matt Cutts assured hardworking internet marketers that the new release would be able to deal with spam in a better way because it uses an improved technology. Now, you may be one of the people who have been hit by the penguin 2.0 and don’t know where to begin. Well, here are some of the top things that you need to do in order for you to recover from as penguin 2.0 related slap by Google.
Google now employ human moderators rather than just search bots to scan and review websites that contains “thin content,” and uses black hat SEO techniques – link farming and cloaking – to unethically influence search engine rankings.
So, now “user experience” is the key!


Follow these simple steps to recover from Penguin 2.0:


Clean up your link profile

Regardless of the number of updates that Google introduces, you need to make sure that your link profile is clean. Since you may have been using different SEO skills for the last couple of years before the penguin updates, it’s likely that you may have a couple of ‘unnatural’ links in your website which is what Google is fighting. If you were using paid links and the like, it’s good to trash them before Google catches up with you. You can do this by using a couple of tools such as Google webmaster tools, open site explorer, and linkbuilder among others. These tools help you in analyzing all backlinks in your entire website. Use disavow tool, provided by Google to help webmasters, to identify and remove spammy links that infest your website and pages.


Manual Penalty and Submitting a reconsideration request from Google


If your website has received a manual penalty notice from Google, then you need to fix your site so that it complies with Google’s quality guidelines.
Look for unnatural links or artificial links those points to your site, via Google webmaster tool, that may be influencing the search engine rankings, make changes to your site.
Once you have made the changes, submit your site for reconsideration request from Google. If you find any unnatural links on your site that you cannot remove or control, submit those details in your reconsideration request, too.


What should you look out for?

Some of the main links that you should look out for are paid links. Links originating from irrelevant blogs or websites, links from directories, links from sites that have been de- indexed and sponsored posts among others that you may feel can’t be found by real human beings.
Some directories are good, though. For example, directories that are well established and have high PR and are relevant to your topic are best source to get backlinks to your site. Just be wary of link farms that seem like article directories. Link farm consist of links with “do-follow” tags. Most business or blog owners desperate for high search engine rankings turn to buy links from these link farms. However, getting a “do-follow” link back from irrelevant source just to influence search engine ranking is considered to unethical and Google penalize your site for this.
Make sure that all these links are removed and have a disavow document. After cleaning up the mess, you will need to come up with better link building strategies that should be in a position to adhere to future Google updates. There are many link building strategies available and all you have to do is look out for the most suitable. First of all, try to get as much relevant information as you can from reliable resources. There are webmasters who know good linkbuilding strategies and have published books on the topic. Make sure to read these kinds of books before settling for one link building method.


Use Social Media

Another thing that you will need to do in order for you to recover from penguin 2.0 is to become active on social media. It’s believed that in the near future links originating from social media will be more valuable than normal links. It’s probably something Goggle are working on considering their very own Google +. Depending on your business, you can use one or more of the major social networks. Make sure you engage your audience in these social media platforms. Finally, ensure that you provide high quality content on your website. Although keyword optimization is important for targeting audience, it is still important to write unique content meant for human and not just only for search engine bots. Put your effort in providing genuine content that adds value to people. With the above mentioned tips, you will be able to get back on your feet and even escape future slaps from Google.


Summary of how do you recover from Penguin 2.0

If your site has been the victim of the recent Penguin update, these are several steps that you can take to recover from it:
  1. Clean up your link profile removing ‘unnatural’ links using tools like Disavow tool
  2. If your site has received manual penalty from Google, clean up your site and submit a reconsideration request from Google
  3. Use social media to recover from Penguin attack as they are often considered more valuable than, let’s say, normal links
  4. While keyword optimization is important, make sure to write high quality content that adds value to readers.
  5. Last but most importantly, stay genuine!